Thursday, August 27, 2020

The Short Story “a Bride Comes to Yellow Sky” free essay sample

The short story â€Å"A Bride Comes to Yellow Sky† centers around Yellow Sky’s town military, Jack Potter, during when numerous significant changes are happening in his life. In the story Potter is coming back from an outing to San Antonio. We will compose a custom article test on The Short Story â€Å"a Bride Comes to Yellow Sky† or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page He had gone there essentially â€Å"to meet a young lady he accepted he loved† yet while he was there he indiscreetly wedded her. Presently bringing her home, Jack Potter is dreadful of the progressions this activity means, and how it will be gotten by his companions in Yellow Sky. Yellow Sky has stayed delegate of the old west, and has maybe opposed change longer than most zones, so he understands that a significant change, for example, his marriage may be gotten horribly. At long last anyway change is unavoidable, and a short excursion away from his home has caused numerous adjustments in Jack Potter, and in his life. The Changes with Potter appeared to have all begun by his outing to San Antonio. A straightforward thing, for example, an adjustment in condition, and Potter’s activities changed significantly. On the train coming back to Yellow Sky the adjustments in Potter become increasingly evident. There are numerous changes; he is encountering new activities, for example, spending too much and tipping, he is currently a recently hitched man and puts on a good show, and he has new garments as a dark suit, which just underlines his unpleasant appearance. Being a town military, a dark suit would be a phenomenal and unrealistic thing for him to wear while outside, maintaining control in a hot dusty town. Potter and his new spouse are additionally returning top of the line, which Potter, not being any kind of specialist, and living on the wages he would win as a town military, would not ordinarily do. It is a luxury, but since of his new marriage he needed to treat himself and his significant other and â€Å"go the entire thing. † His significant other likewise sees this, shouting at the cost of a dinner in the parlor-vehicle, approaching on the off chance that it isn’t a lot for them. To this Potter answers â€Å"Not this outing, anyhow,† seeing the rich outfitting, and the expense of everything as all as being intelligent of â€Å"the brilliance or their marriage† and of the progressions being a positive thing. The recently hitched couple is so glad, and timidly appreciating the new experience of the train and each other so much, that different travelers pay heed and are entertained by them. Despite the fact that awkward now and again, and clearly new to such activities as tipping, and managing watchmen, Potter is additionally energized, flaunting the train to his better half gladly. The train vehicle itself speaks to changes in Potter, and his pride in demonstrating it to his significant other shows that Potter is happy of the progressions and is grasping them. In spite of this, Potter is additionally apprehensive, apparent by his hands which â€Å"were continually acting in the most cognizant fashion†, not on the grounds that he himself disdains the changes, however he fears Yellow Sky probably won't be so ready to acknowledge them. Yellow Sky is a town that is apparently constant, however even in this humble community things are pushing ahead. There is another inn, and there is a drummer in from away, there to sell new products and discuss new things he has seen somewhere else. The sales rep himself would be a change from the standard, and however the townsfolk permit him to be there, they don't generally acknowledge him, not taking an interest in discussion with him in the bar, and having all the earmarks of being fairly careful about him. In Yellow Sky is a man named Scratchy Wilson. Regularly a serious innocuous man, he goes firearm insane and turns into somewhat rough when he drinks. He is the â€Å"last one of the old group that used to hang out along the river†, and from multiple points of view speaks to the old ways. All things considered, even he gives a few indications of being influenced by change, for example, wearing another shirt from New York. Before, at whatever point Scratchy had been drinking and went hoping to raise a ruckus, Potter was there to keep the harmony. This time when he has been drinking, Potter isn’t quickly there to manage him as he regularly would, by going out and battling him. Going on somewhat of a frenzy, Scratchy requires a battle, searching for Potter, needing occasions to advance as they had on past event. At the point when no proposal of a battle is pending Scratchy gets befuddled, lastly chooses to search out Potter himself by going to Potter’s home. He gets for Potter to come out, but since Potter and his better half have not shown up yet Scratchy can just keep on shouting difficulties. At the point when Potter shows up be that as it may, Scratchy finds not his old enemy but rather an alternate man, a changed Potter. In spite of most everything else being fundamentally the equivalent, this one significant component is extraordinary. This new Potter conveys no weapon and attempts to put off the battle, which stuns Scratchy on the grounds that Potter has never been seen without his firearm, nor has he at any point been reluctant to battle Scratchy. Scratchy at that point turns out to be considerably increasingly stunned when he finds that Potter isn't conveying a firearm since he has quite recently shown up with his new spouse from San Antonio. Despite this change Scratchy concludes that the battle must be off, not recognizing what else to do in these various conditions. He was not an understudy of valor; it was only that within the sight of this remote condition he was a more straightforward offspring of the prior fields. † does not frenzy anymore, he currently acts like a frustrated kid, scowling and stalling as he leaves, accommodating to the better approach for things. Doubtlessly Potter will no longer need to battle Scratchy during one of Scratchy’s drinking sessions as he has needed to regularly before. This is one of the numerous things that it appears will be changed in his new life. Numerous progressions happen in this story, the greater part of which are encompassing Potter. In spite of the fact that his life appears to have been a similar daily practice for a long while, even he can't avoid change perpetually, lastly away from the controlling eye of Yellow Sky change happens rapidly and normally to him. These progressions are viewed as considerably progressively articulated on account of how out of nowhere they happened. As is generally the situation, one change prompts another, and before long Potter is almost an alternate individual, with various standards, needs, and peculiarities. He has new life; he no longer conveys a weapon with him all over the place, and he doesn’t wish to battle as a result of another spouse. These distinctions cause change to come over even Scratchy, who was the remnant of a dying breed and spoke to a more seasoned method of things. Scratchy is compelled to change, and to surrender that things must be distinctive to acknowledge these changes. At long last it appears that what began as a straightforward excursion to San Antonio prompted a grouping of numerous occasions and numerous adjustments in the life of Jack Potter, making his life be very unique in relation to what it was previously.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Inventory Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Stock Management - Research Paper Example The undertaking will just audit the applicable writing on stock administration. The audit will cover the components of stock administration at that point experience four primary areas of astute stock administration. The initial three sections will cover the primary areas of stock administration: stock demonstrating, master frameworks, and the choice emotionally supportive networks. The fourth part is the astute choice emotionally supportive network conversation, which progresses the two past parts. Stock is the load of merchandise kept close by an element for future and current utilization of fulfilling the clients need. The stock is of significance to a substance in both the budgetary and operational point of view. Initially, stock contributes the primary speculation for any firm. Stock establishes around 30 to 55 percent of current resources in assembling organizations while comprising roughly 70 to 85 percent of current advantages for distributer and retailer organizations. On the other viewpoint, from the operational perspective, inventories put working adaptability to organization. Keeping of sufficient stock by assembling procedures will encourage smooth creation process. Holding of stock by distributer and retailers encourages great client assistance which consequently gives the organizations great open picture. The primary point of stock administration is to adjust between having low stock and the exceptional yield on speculations. Stock has an assortment of capacities, which ought to be summed up to encourage a decent stock administration. To begin with, the fundamental point of holding stock is to fulfill clients need for the item. This is on the grounds that it is difficult to have conveyance of items or creation of merchandise the very same time when the buyers need them. It is accordingly shrewd to keep a sensible degree of stock to meet this normal or foreseen customer request. Also, it is savvy to continue including stock illuminate regarding sup port or security stocks since the interest is generally not known with conviction.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Finance Friday The Push for Financial Literacy! - OppLoans

Finance Friday The Push for Financial Literacy! - OppLoans Finance Friday: The Push for Financial Literacy! Finance Friday: The Push for Financial Literacy!Well, it was quite a week for personal finance news! The Wells Fargo scandal continues, mortgage rates slip to a three-month low, and several organizations join us in the fight for financial literacy. We paid close attention to the stories that affect you and your wallet, and compiled the top 10 for easy reading! We also offer OppU so you can better understand your money through a series of short courses.These are all the personal finance, financial literacy, and budgeting/saving articles that deserve your attention this week. Learn some new savings tips, or just stay up to date on current finance news. Happy (Finance) Friday everybody!Here are our top 10 personal finance articles from this week:The Washington Post: Critics say Wells Fargo CEO should forfeit more than $41 million after sales scandal.Bloomberg: How would a Trump or Clinton presidency affect your finances? Bloomberg offers a helpful Personal-Finance Guide to the debates a nd the election.MarketWatch: How much will you spend on Halloween this year? Experts say Halloween spending may reach an all-time high!Bankrate: It might be time to refinance! Mortgage rates slip to a three-month low.Forbes: Don’t underestimate how important it is to save! This Nigerian fintech startup helps you save for life’s big moments.Military Times: Set your kids up for financial success with these five financial literacy finds for parents!Nasdaq: Learn to avoid destructive behaviors in your personal finance journey!The Daily Free Press: Keep your eye on LearnLux, a Boston-based startup making financial literacy possible among millennials.Consumer Affairs: Get the low-down on how to start saving from Consumer Affairs reporter Mark Huffman.The Motley Fool: Do your finances need a makeover? Here are 15 things you should stop wasting money on.ICYMI this week on the OppLoans Blog:Considering a Fast Cash Loan? Here are 4 Steps to Get it Right!Eat. Save. Love: How to Eat Cheaper in 4 Simple StepsOppLoans Word of the Week: Credit ScoreHave a great weekend everybody!If you have emergency expenses and need cash in a hurry, don’t turn to a predatory  paydayandtitle lender. Apply for a safe, reliable personal  installment loan  from OppLoans instead. To learn more, or to apply for a loan today, check out our homepage:

Monday, May 25, 2020

Reflection Paper Accounting - 1274 Words

Reflection paper Accounting to me is challenge as a whole; it is a good subject to learn because accounting knowledge is always in demand. So far, I am on a good path learning the basics of accounting. I’ve learned how accounting affects business and how it allows organizations to identify cash inflows and outflows. This accounting course provided me a great opportunity to understand the various important aspects of accounting that I believe will be helpful in my future practical life. I need to begin my own particular business in future for that it s important to have great knowledge of Financial and Managerial Accounting. This course has helped me to comprehend numerous essential ideas of accounting. This knowledge is going to help me†¦show more content†¦Chapter 05 In chapter 05, I learned different imperative parts of merchandise transactions and there recording. I found out about contra accounts Sales Returns and Allowances account, Sales Discounts account, purchase returns and Allowances account and Purchase Discounts account. Two sorts of inventory processed took after i.e. perpetual inventory system and periodic inventory technique both having their own particular benefits and negative marks and ought to be utilized according to the need of specific business. Presently computerization as encouraged numerous firms to utilize perpetual inventory method for instance it has get to be economical for some retail locations to utilize perpetual inventory methodology notwithstanding for products of low unit value, for example, goods. Chapter 06 Chapter 06 discusses the diverse methods of inventory accounting i.e. FIFO method, LIFO method and Average cost method. All have diverse merits and negative marks under distinctive situations. For e.g. the merits of FIFO methods are-(1) Easy application, (2) the expected flow of costs relates with the ordinary physical flow of goods and (3) the balance sheet sum for inventory is liable to surmise the current market and so on. Burdens of FIFO can be – amid continually rising prices FIFO can offer ascent to paper profits. Amid times of rising prices, FIFO makes higher net income since the costs charged to cost of goods sold are lower. However LIFO expect that theShow MoreRelatedAcc3001411 Words   |  6 PagesSyllabus School of Business ACC/300 Version 3 Principles of Accounting | Copyright  © 2012, 2011, 2006 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.    Course Description: BSAB16TON3 2/19/2013 - 03/25/2013    This course focuses on principles of accounting for the non-accounting student. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Comparative Study of Death of a Salesman and The...

‘The pursuit of individuality and distinctiveness ultimately leads to conformity and deep feelings of failure.’ Good Morning/Afternoon, and welcome to this literary seminar at Hunters Hill High. My name is Obi Williams and I have prepared a speech on the Human Condition, its relevance in Post WW2, and how it is presented through Post WW2 literature. This time was a period of immense social transformation, as during the war, unemployment had ended and the economy had greatly expanded which meant the end of the war brought with it; higher employment levels among women, a greater search for wealth, and a more every-man-for-himself type of society. This change led to a shifting of values for the majority of the population, a shift where†¦show more content†¦Willy’s ‘hopefulness’ is displayed when he is exclaiming to Linda that he ‘Sold over $500 gross in providence and $700 gross in Boston’ even though he is lying, and only really made not even half that, this reveals that Willy’s heart is set on achieving success worthy of the American Dream standards. His hopefulness however is cut short when Linda tells him how much they owe to others, to which Willy replies ‘A hundred and twenty dollars! My God! If business don’t pick up I don’t know what I’m gonna do!â €  This exposes that, while Willy’s mind is aiming for the epitome of the American Dream, his real life situation falls very short of that. Holden Caulfield and Willy Loman each struggle with their identity between two classes of society, indecisively aiming for one and unwillingly fitting into another, leading to a perception of themselves as failures. Conforming is neither a good nor bad element of life, merely a result of pursuing individuality and distinctiveness. ‘The Cather in the Rye’ presents this through Holden Caulfield, and the mental turmoil he experiences as a result of his non-intentional conformation. Throughout the novel, Holden attempts to distinguish himself from all the ‘phonies’ he so ever-presently witnesses around him. When Holden purchases the red hunting hat, a reoccurring motif of his individuality and hunt for himself, and states ‘I shoot people in this hat’ despite being an obvious

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Central Delaware Riverfront District - 1405 Words

Central Delaware Riverfront District is a place with rich history. This article is mainly about comparing the master plans of this area issued in the late 20th Century and 2011. As part of the background, I’d like to mention that the development of Central Riverfront District could be traced back to 1967. The Philadelphia City Planning Commission made a plan to build the I-95 Express Highway in that year. It was a postwar interstate highway happening with the automobile growth, serving the purpose of development out. But it also isolated the riverfront (which was mainly the industrial area at that time) with the center city, putting the future development of the waterfront district into a negative position. Fig 1 1967 Proposed Land Use of Center City Redevelopment Area In the late 20th Century about 1980, there was a master plan for Central Delaware Riverfront issued by Philadelphia City Planning Commission. It stated consideration for the whole planning from the aspects of transportation, land use, development phasing, recreation open space and so on, by previously studying the existing condition and analyzing development potential of the site. The background of the plan was that Philadelphia entered the post-industrial era because of industry decline. Some of the piers were no longer in use and many factories were moved to other places. The riverfront district needed to be redeveloped. After 30 years, the Planning Commission approved another master plan for Central

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

How does Shakespeare present the character of Shylock in the play Essay Example For Students

How does Shakespeare present the character of Shylock in the play Essay In the Merchant of Venice, Shylock is a wealthy Jew and moneylender. Bassanio, a young Venetian, is a spendthrift, and asks his friend Antonio to lend him money in order for him to pay off his debts. Antonio agrees, but as his wealth relies on his ships, which are at sea, and therefore needs to borrow the money. Shylock lends 3000 ducats to Antonio, providing that if he is unable to repay him, let the forfeit be one pound of your fair flesh. Antonio agrees, mistakenly perceiving the bond to be in jest. His ships sink, leaving him unable to repay Shylock, who insists that he receives the pound of flesh. Many members of a contemporary audience would sympathise with Shylock, as he has been a victim of prejudice. Antonio is a bigot and, like many Christians in that period, an anti Semitic. On several previous occasions he has bullied Antonio by insulting him, calling him misbeliever and cut-throat dog and has spat on my Jewish gabardine. In his soliloquy, Shylock admits that he hates him for he is Christian and plans to catch him once on the hip. In his speech in Act 1, Scene 3, he is extremely polite to Antonio at first, addressing him as Signior Antonio and Fair sir and using a calm tone and several anecdotes. However, his resentment and bitter feelings towards Antonio soon emerge, shown by the way in which he uses harsh, unpleasant phrases such as foot me as you spurn a stranger cur, and begins to insult him stating, moneys is your suit. The calm tone is replaced with a rushed, less fluent speech. Shylock also uses dramatic irony relating to the way in which Antonio referred to him as a dog, saying Hath a dog money? Is it possible a cur can lend three thousand ducats? At this stage, he has not mentioned the forfeit of the pound of flesh, and a modern audience would perceive him as an innocent victim. However, a contemporary audience would have felt less compassion towards Shylock as they too lived in an anti-Semitic society. Jews were discriminated against and treated badly. Christians disapproved of usurers, who loaned money then charged interest. It could be argued that Christians were jealous of Jews, and as a possible result of this Jews were relegated to ghettos. There are elements of humanity in the character, mainly in his Hath not a Jew eyes soliloquy, in which he pleads his right to equality and to revenge himself on the Christians who wrong him. A modern audience is more likely to sympathise with Shylock, as discrimination and racism, though it still exists, is deemed politically incorrect and consequently frowned upon. However, Shylock himself states, I hate him for he is Christian, which in addition to insulting many members of the audience, is another example of racism. The sympathy would wane with both audiences when Shylock proposes the forfeit of a pound of flesh, as it is nauseating and completely inappropriate, although at this point the audience may still believe he is jesting as Shylock refers to the agreement as a merry bond. Their sympathy would deteriorate further after Jessica elopes with Lorenzo, as Shylock appears to be deeply concerned about the loss of his money rather than the welfare of his daughter, lamenting, Thou hast stuck a dagger in me: I shall never see my gold again! . He also says O my ducats! O my daughter! The way in which me mentions the loss of his money before his daughter implies that he considers his wealth to be more important to him than his family. This portrays him as a callous miser. The trial scene in a Venetian court forms a dramatic end to the play. Portia, sent by the Duke and disguised as a young male scholar, begs Shylock to show mercy, pleading, be merciful, take thrice thy money and suggesting in her famous quality of mercy speech that he should be like God. Shylock almost relinquishes the bond, yet ultimately he refuses the money and insists he has a legal right to receive the pound of flesh. .u8b17be8e3f12e8ffd304bad5749571a4 , .u8b17be8e3f12e8ffd304bad5749571a4 .postImageUrl , .u8b17be8e3f12e8ffd304bad5749571a4 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8b17be8e3f12e8ffd304bad5749571a4 , .u8b17be8e3f12e8ffd304bad5749571a4:hover , .u8b17be8e3f12e8ffd304bad5749571a4:visited , .u8b17be8e3f12e8ffd304bad5749571a4:active { border:0!important; } .u8b17be8e3f12e8ffd304bad5749571a4 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8b17be8e3f12e8ffd304bad5749571a4 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8b17be8e3f12e8ffd304bad5749571a4:active , .u8b17be8e3f12e8ffd304bad5749571a4:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8b17be8e3f12e8ffd304bad5749571a4 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8b17be8e3f12e8ffd304bad5749571a4 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8b17be8e3f12e8ffd304bad5749571a4 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8b17be8e3f12e8ffd304bad5749571a4 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8b17be8e3f12e8ffd304bad5749571a4:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8b17be8e3f12e8ffd304bad5749571a4 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8b17be8e3f12e8ffd304bad5749571a4 .u8b17be8e3f12e8ffd304bad5749571a4-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8b17be8e3f12e8ffd304bad5749571a4:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Shakespeare establish EssayThe sympathy a modern audience may have originally would wane considerably at this point, as Shylock clearly intends to murder Antonio. For a moment it appear that he may be successful, yet eventually Portia realises that the bond is restricted to the removal of only flesh, not blood, and would therefore be impossible. Shylock then compromises and asks for money instead. His suggestion is rejected, though, and is forced to give up half of his wealth and donate his property to Jessica and Lorenzo. Worst of all, he is given no option but to convert to Christianity. As he leaves the court, after his eloquence and anecdotes, he concludes with a short speech mainly consisting of monosyllables, muttering, I am not well; send the deed after me and I will sign it. To conclude, Shakespeare may have been creating a different kind of villain in Shylock. Shylock is not a stereotypical villain, but neither is there a stereotypical hero. He may have intended to portray the way in which the treatment of others can affect their personality. This is shown by the way Shylocks personally appears to be tainted by the discrimination shown towards him, particularly by Antonio.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Marple Leaf Shoes Company

Assessment of the performance system The company carries out its performance appraisal annually during which the supervisors assess the employees by awarding scores to various aspects of their jobs. The performance appraisal forms are simple showing the varied elements for employees’ assessment.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Marple Leaf Shoes’ Company specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The form contains eight aspects viz. quantity and quality of work, dependability and initiative at work, cooperativeness and communication, energy and enthusiasm and the employees’ socialization with co-workers. During appraisal, the supervisors should award scores to each aspect for each employee. This proves the process tedious given the large employees’ population. The supervisors undertake this operation in one day – 31 December, every year. The human resource department then carries out cumul ative ratings for each employee. To effect promotions within different departments, the human resource office uses the rated information. The office also uses the information during salary increment for the employees. Close examination of the appraisal exercise reveals that the process is tedious and time consuming, especially for the supervisors. The exercise is also subject to individual manipulation by the supervisors since the information contained in the evaluation forms is simple. The evaluation process is nonprofessional since the management has never offered training to the supervisors on how to carry out the process (Schwind, Das Wagar, 2009, p. 362). Due to volumes of the evaluation forms, the human resource personnel finds it difficult to retrieve any information required for promotions and salary hikes; thus rendering the process useless and a waste of resources. Recommendations First, the management should adopt a continuous performance appraisal rather than the curren t one-day practice. This method will improve the credibility of the evaluation process. As the case shows, the current exercise is vulnerable to manipulation by the supervisors and the human resource personnel. In fact, the survey conducted astoundingly revealed that, only 10% of the supervisors adhered to the rules of the appraisal (Schwind, Das Wagar, 2009, p.363). In order to root out this administrative malpractice, the management should design a new approach in which the supervisors have limited capacity to manipulate the process. Ideally, a continuous appraisal approach would enhance this achievement. Secondly, the human resource department should alter the content and format of the appraisal form. The aspects of initiative and dependability are indeed confusing, especially to such supervisors who have no skills in performance evaluation. Conventionally, initiative people are dependable.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! G et your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Therefore, in order to avoid the reigning confusion, the management should either combine the two aspects or remove the aspect of dependability. The forms should be designed in a way that, the supervisors retrieve most of the information from the past records of the employees. For instance, instead of using quality as an aspect, the evaluation should look into successes and failures of specific employees. This move will reduce the capacity and probability of supervisors providing wrong or predetermined information. Since the supervisors have to deal with more than 700 employees, the process is time consuming. Therefore, altering the content of these forms to reduce time expended shall save the company considerable costs. Finally, the management should provide training to the supervisors on appraisal performance because the training will make the process professional and therefore an important tool for decision-making by the human resource office. As a result, the company’s promotions and salary increment criterion shall be credible and satisfying to the employees and the management. Alternatively, the management can hire the services of an external professional to monitor the process. This move will ensure that the supervisors adhere to the rules of the process and hence make the process useful to the company. Reference Schwind, H., Das, H., Wagar, T. (2007). Canadian Human Resource Management: A Strategic Approach (8th ed). Ontario; McGraw-Hill Ryerson. Print. This essay on Marple Leaf Shoes’ Company was written and submitted by user Rudy Benton to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Teenage-Mother essays

Teenage-Mother essays When I was fourteen years old, I worked at Winn-Dixie, a huge grocery store that was ten minutes walking distance from my house. One day, after-school I got ready to go to work. Of course, I did not drive, so I walked to work. Once I got there and opened my register, a young pregnant female that looked extremely frustrated by the child, who was rolling around in the cart with all the groceries came through my line. He was one obnoxious little two-year-old, throwing groceries on the conveyer belt and demanding candies. Meanwhile, the poor teenage-mother was fumbling through her purse searching for her WIC papers. It was such a sorry sight to watch because she looked so frustrated with the child and her inability to locate where her papers were. Having a child at a young age is a huge responsibility. Moreover, teenagers having babies can affect the mothers education forcing her to work lower paying jobs, can alter their lifestyle causing them miss out on the recreational activiti es, and cause financial burden for the mother. I was working as a part time cashier at Winn-Dixie and attending school. I did not intend to work there for the rest of my life. I believed that I would eventually graduate college and enter a well paying career. While on the other hand, this seventeen-year-old will remain uneducated because she already has a two-year old child and another on the way. However, I will have a career to focus on and will not have to work as many hours to support my family. That will mean more time towards taking care of my family by being home, rather then being at work for most of my childrens childhood. Because of the pregnancy, the teenage-mother will continue to be uneducated, work many hours and drift away from sharing a close bond with her children. Furthermore, teenagers should not have babies because their lifestyle would change dramatically. Her friends would probably stop coming around to go hang ...

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Computer info Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Computer info - Essay Example The Boot Record is at the very beginning of a FAT volume. The first few sectors of the volume, before the FAT, are the Reserved Sectors or the reserved area. This area in the Boot Record inform us how large the disk is and contains not only the boot sector but also a backup copy of the boot record. The Boot Record contains a field retaining the information of the sector size for a particular media and the BIOS Parameter Block. The Bios Parameter Block or BPB contains vital information such as the number of bytes per sector on the disk, sectors per cluster, size of the reserved sectors, the number of FATs, root entries, media type, the number of sectors per FAT, the sectors per track, and the number of heads per cylinder. This information is use by the operating system to properly identify the disk and accurately read and write data into it. The Data Area of the disk is divided into clusters, files and directories store their data in these clusters. The Root Directory comes immediately after the file allocation table and is formatted like any another directory on the disk. A partition is divided up into equal size clusters, minute blocks of bordering space. Cluster sizes differ on the type of FAT and the size of partition.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Supermarket Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Supermarket Industry - Essay Example With the increased competition, many people in the supermarket industry have realized the importance of offering a wide range of products from groceries, electronic items, and clothing among other items which will ensure that their shops have a competitive edge over the rest of their rival supermarkets. The supermarket industry has therefore played a significant role in the growth of the economy in terms of creating employment, provision of vital goods to customers among other roles and most of the supermarkets have undeniably adapted it. Nevertheless, most of the international supermarkets such as wal-mart have been able to survive and they have been able to reinvent themselves over a period of time so as they can be able to attract and maintain a wide base of loyal customer and increasing their sales volume (Robert, S. 2003). Most of them have come up with new concepts and innovation and hence they have been able to succeed in their endeavors. In this world where competition is thrive, it seems as everybody is following the same line where most of the supermarkets have become a one stop shopping p... On the other hand, the supermarket industry is currently faced with some challenges of trying to maintain a market share and profits while attempting some of the new concepts in order they would be able to differentiate themselves from other types of retailers (Carmen, M. 1994). It has been shown that there has been some major demographic and consumer lifestyles which have changed the shopping behavior of consumers and that are why consumers choose where to shop and the products they require (Robert, S. 2003). On the other hand, most of the traditional supermarkets have witnessed a decline in how much shoppers spend and how frequently they shop in a particular store and hence the importance of the changes that have been witnessed in most of these supermarkets (Narasimhan, S. 2006). While there have been some supermarket operators whom have attempted to reduce the operational cost and slashing the prices of the products they stock, they find this to be a tough approach when competing with low cost operators like Wal-Mart and Costco and hence there is a need of re-evaluating their strategies (Kahn, B. 1997). Literature review Majority of supermarkets are essentially devising various strategies of increasing their sales volume and maintaining customer loyalty over the years, and some of the strategies used is diversifying in their products and reducing the prices of their products. However, in our increasingly busy lives, consumers are relying on supermarkets for all their shopping needs due to the fact that it is a one shopping place (Kaufmann P.J. 1994). It has been shown in various instances that customers know what to expect and want and whenever they walk into

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

A streetcar named desire Essay Example for Free

A streetcar named desire Essay The story of A Streetcar Named Desire focuses around the life of a woman used to having lots of money, maids and slaves. The story is about her moving to the poorer, friendly, less sophisticated, multiracial city of New Orleans to live with her worse off sister and brother in law in their small, messy apartment. Blanche, the woman, used to be a wealthy landowner but gradually lost it all as time went on. She was sacked from her teaching job because she was on the early stages of a nervous breakdown and lost her home, Belle Reve, which is why she temporarily moved in with her sister. Stella is Blanches sister. She used to live with Blanche when she was younger but has moved to New Orleans and become used to life there with her husband and friends. She lives in a small apartment block called Elysian Fields. She is pregnant when Blanche moves in. Stanley is Stellas husband. His family are polish but he says he is 100% American. He is quite rough and violent but he loves his wife. He also loves bowling and gambling but he dislikes Blanche simply because she owns more expensive property than Stella does. Stanley sizes up a womans personality just by looking at her. His first impressions of Blanche are not too bad but as the play progresses and he learns more about her past his impressions get worse. Blanche and Stanley want to destroy each other from the start. Their personalities clash too much for them to get along. Blanche describes Stanley to Stella: He acts like an animal, has an animals habits! Eats like one, moves like one, talks like one! Theres even something sub-human something not quite to the stage of humanity yet! Blanche is a very delicate, wealthy looking woman. She is quite good looking but tries to avoid light as it brings out every wrinkle in her face and shows off her real age. She pretends to be young, although she is about five years older than Stella. She tells lies to people who dont know her because that is how she thinks things should be. Stella and Stanley came to be together with Blanche because Blanche was sacked from her teaching job for having an affair with a seventeen year old student and lost her plantation, Belle Reve, due to lack of money. She went to stay with Stella and Stanley because she needed somewhere to live where she can have someone to look after her. At first, Blanche acts quite nervously around Stanley although before long she starts to flirt with him. Stanley doesnt like Blanche too much at first but is friendly towards her because Stella tells him to be. However, after a while Stanley gets angry with Blanche because of her expensive property and long baths in the mornings. He is often shouting at her and even goes as far as raping her nearer the end of the play. Blanche is disgusted with Stanleys behaviour and starts to think of him as an animal. Stanley finds out that Blanche has lost Belle Reve. He also notices Blanches collection of fine clothing and jewellery of which he exclaims: Open your eyes to this stuff! You think she got them out of teachers pay? This makes me think that Stanley believes that Blanche got the money for her clothes and jewellery from Belle Reve. It is at this point when Stanley takes control of the relationship between the three and brings up the Napoleonic Code: In the state of Louisiana we have the Napoleonic Code according to which what belongs to the wife belongs to the husband and vice versa. Stanley becomes angry when he doesnt receive any money from the loss of Belle Reve. Stanley uses Stella as an attempt to get Blanche to leave. Stanley knows that if he cant persuade Blanche to leave then Stella can. He is constantly trying to find th dope on Blanche. Simultaneously, Blanche tries to convince Stella to leave Stanley: Dont dont hang back with the brutes (referring to Stanley)! Also, Stanley refrains from Stellas wishes and decides to give Blanche a hint. For her birthday he gives her a one way ticket back to Laurel, the city in which Belle Reve was based, showing heartlessness and selfishness. This destroys Blanche. Throughout the play, Blanche taunts Stanley as a Polack: You healthy Polack, without a nerve in your body, of course you dont know what anxiety feels like! To which Stanley replies angrily: I am not a Polack. People from Poland are Poles, not Polacks. But what I am is a one hundred per cent American, born and raised in the greatest country on earth and proud as hell of it, so dont ever call me a Polack. Stanley complains about Blanches constant bathing. He mimics her; washing out some things, soaking in a hot tub. Stanleys friend, Mitch becomes a victim of the relationship when he falls for Blanche. Blanche lies to him about her age and background. Just as Blanche believes that she shall get married to Mitch, Stanley destroys the relationship by revealing the truth behind the lies which were told to Mitch. Stanley defends Mitch from Blanche and although the relationship between the two had finished, Mitch still became angry at Stanley and went as far as threatening to kill him when Stanley had her taken away by a doctor and his matron. Whilst Stella is giving birth to her child Stanley goes back to Elysian Fields drunk. When he gets back to the apartment he meets Blanche, wondering, dreamily about the rich life. In his drunken state he tries to seduce Blanche but when she is having none of it he rapes her. This is a major point in the story because it symbolises the strength of Stanley, the fragility of Blanche and how much more power he has over her. Stanley had gradually destroyed Blanche from the moment he found out about Belle Reve and, at the end of the story, he managed to get her to leave by using her own weaknesses against her. Therefore, Stanley triumphed over Blanche.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Theories of Personality Essays -- Psychology, Personality Test

Introversion has the greatest chance of negatively affecting SLA. Students that are afraid of embarrassing themselves by speaking incorrectly or by not being able to speak at all may try to avoid opportunities that would otherwise aid their learning (Zhang, 2008). Since 1960, personality has emerged as major field of specialization among doctoral candidates (Vance & Macphail, 1964). Many investigations have been accomplished followed by literature on a variety of theories of personality. The importance on individual differences and distinctiveness of the individual are the most frequent features of the study of personality. There is a guarantee that each person’s profile is different from that of another person and thus, each person has unique personality (Allport & Odbert, 1936). Nevertheless, the question is how do we determine personality? In general, the easiest approach to do this was through the observations of individual differences. Though, the validity and reliability of such observation can be questioned as it is not efficient and systematic adequately. On the other han...

Sunday, January 12, 2020

The book by William Zinsser On Willing Well

The book by William Zinsser On Willing Well is a profound guide for writers in any nonfiction genre: from science to travel, sports to management. The author, William Zinsser, was a writer and editor for the New York Herald Tribune and developed this book out of a nonfiction writing course he taught at Yale.Zinsser writes with refreshing simplicity, humor, and encouraging frankness. He's not one of these writers who pretends that the words just flow; he readily admits to delay, paralysis, and even perspiring over challenging projects. â€Å"Writing is hard work†¦Remember this in moments of despair. If you find that writing is hard, it's because it is hard.†This guide includes the entire process of writing. Chapters address a spectrum of central issues: principles, methods, forms, and attitudes. Throughout the first chapter, reader can see that all of us write differently; we have different styles, we write to different audiences, and we have our own sense of humor.â€Å" On Writing Well† offers a very large scope of techniques and styles centered around enhancing writing, and helping to convey the simplest, most effective message possible.After the first chapter, a reader will remember that simplicity is always the best option when writing. Today, our society is too perplexed in making our words clear. So perplexed, that we often confuse each other. Keeping a straightforward message is not only important, it is realistic. One should think of the process as cutting and burning a forest. Just as time is involved in allowing that forest to re-grow, we must take time to rebuild our sentences.The next chapter deals with the reinforcement of what we just learned. To make our writing as strong as possible, we have to get rid of everything that isn't needed. Many sentences are too overloaded with adjectives. It is interesting, but true, that the political field has frequently used evasive wording and overloaded sentences to try and cover up the meanin g of the truth.The ideas must be quick and to the point, so that to be easier to understand. Decorating sentences with extra words won't earn any respect, in fact, they may do just the opposite.The book also discusses the importance of developing your own style. Zinsser says that although it sounds paradoxical, before we can develop an unmistakable style, we have to cut down our writing to the bare minimum. A very convincing passage was:â€Å"Few people realize how badly they write. Nobody has shown them how much excess or murkiness has crept into their style and how it obstructs what they are trying to say.†Psychology also makes a somewhat unexpected appearance in the text. â€Å"Writing is an act of ego, and you might as well admit it. Use its energy to keep yourself going.† To be able to write well, one must be comfortable with yourself. When we are relaxed, we write better, and the reader notices it.The sections on principles and methods include the usual suspects-conceiving a compelling opening paragraph, focusing on the audience, achieving unity of voice, choosing words carefully, ending with a punch, and (everyone's favorite) revising.His chapters on forms offer guidelines for writing in specific fields-business, science, sports, humor, the arts. The final chapters on attitude discuss psychological aspects of writing: embracing the sound of your authentic voice; enjoyment, fear, and confidence; how an infatuation with the idea of a finished product can impede your progress; a writer's decisions; and finally, an exhortation to write the highest quality work you can.The chapter on a writer's decisions offers a glimpse into Zinsser's critical thought process for his own writing: he parcels out paragraphs of an article he wrote for a travel magazine, an notated with detailed commentary about the editorial choices he made as he wrote.Author takes on an historical perspective of nonfiction as literature, if only to serve as an inspiration to developing nonfiction writers. He marks the change in society from radio to television, and discusses that with the developing need for accurate information. The style he uses is direct and simple, free of confusion, the product of self-restraint. Varied with the author's insights and anecdotes are plentiful samples of writing both strong and weak, varying in style and genre, to illustrate the principles discussed in a given section. In addition to numerous excerpts of his own work, he shares selections from highly regarded writers like Joan Didion, E.B. White, Joseph Mitchell, John Updike, and Cynthia Ozick.My one reclamation with the book is this: I do not agree with Zinsser's advice on dealing with gendered pronouns (he favors masculine pronouns when there is no graceful way to avoid choosing a gender-somehow using an occasional â€Å"she† fails to occur to him) and he sporadically refers to collective humanity as â€Å"man.† However, beyond that, I find his advice flawless and his writing an excellent model of the principles he sticks to.On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfictionby William Zinsser (New York , NY- HarperPerennial, 1998),6th Edition, 308 pages

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Moral Philosophy Is An Area Shrouded By Debate Essay

The prevalence given to pleasure in moral philosophy is an area shrouded by debate. Fundamentally the argument becomes one of utilitarianism opposed by deontological ethics. Other theories such as egoism and virtue ethics provide examples of how one should live a moral life which, depending on the defined notion of pleasure, could have the value prescribed to their theoretical guides for how to lead the moral life. Often when we consider what is pleasurable our thoughts delve towards the emotions such as happiness and euphoria. Pleasure is defined as, â€Å"a feeling of happiness, enjoyment, or satisfaction† (Merriam-Webster, 2016). This definition entails the argument surrounding the importance of pleasure in moral philosophy becomes more encompassing. The inclusion of satisfaction suggests that a significant number of philosophical theories can now be considered as part of this debate. As a result of this, this essay will argue that pleasure could in fact be the most signifi cant attribute we must assign to the moral sphere of which all-beings live within, as it is an established quality in a significant number of highly regarded theories that the philosophical community accept as some of the most influential work on moral philosophy. Firstly, as the deontological approach significantly differs from the view I shall be arguing for, to esteem it the respect it so rightly deserves it seems only just to acknowledge it as a valid theory of how one should ethically live. TheShow MoreRelatedOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 Pageschallenging subject. This is not the case with the present book. This is a book that deserves to achieve a wide readership. Professor Stephen Ackroyd, Lancaster University, UK This new textbook usefully situates organization theory within the scholarly debates on modernism and postmodernism, and provides an advanced introduction to the heterogeneous study of organizations, including chapters on phenomenology, critical theory and psychoanalysis. Like all good textbooks, the book is accessible, well researchedRead MoreRonald Reagan s Rise Of Power5415 Words   |  22 Pagesin the face of adversity. He was the ardent Republican who fought for the rights of the citizens and believed i n the future. This persona however, just like California, was much more complex. Reagan was and still is somewhat of a mystery. He is shrouded in tales of heroism; some exaggerated, some never confirmed. One of the better known stories involves a young woman by the name of Melba Lohmann. Ms. Lohmann had just exited a bus and was walking down the street. Suddenly, a man sticks the barrelRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pagescompare in imaginative ways the similarities and differences among diverse flows in different geographical areas and across ethnic communities and social strata. They consider not only the nature, volume, and direction of migrant movements motivated primarily by opportunities for economic advancement—including the massive movement of rural agriculturalists to rapidly growing urban areas—but also the often-neglected displacements of populations that resulted from the wars, revolutions, and naturalRead MoreHbr When Your Core Business Is Dying74686 Words   |  299 Pagesï ¬ lings that are incorporated by reference into the offering documents. Second, outside directors should seek independent advice on the terms of their company’s DO policy. Directors’ interests don’t always coincide with those of management in this area. For example, outside directors will want a policy with a â€Å"severability† provision: one that covers them in the event that an ofï ¬ cer of the company has engaged in misconduct that would otherwise allow the insurer to deny coverage to all directors andRead MoreRastafarian79520 Words   |  319 PagesLumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Mumbai Nairobi Sà £o Paulo Shanghai Taipei Tokyo Toronto Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries Copyright  © 2003 by Ennis Barrington Edmonds The moral rights of the authors have been asserted Database right Oxford University Press (maker) All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior